Julia Clarke

Julia Clarke

Clarkelab Logo Final.png

The Clarke Lab seeks new data to inform how avian diversity and distributions have changed across their deep histories.

Current Postdoctoral Researchers

Jongyun Jung
Postdoctoral Researcher (since March 2025)
Ph.D., Chonnam National University
Jongyun’s research focuses on terrestrial vertebrate ichnofossils. He has studied pterosaur tracks to investigate their ecological niches and gregarious behavior. His current work extends to fossil and modern avian tracks, aiming to understand their ecology and evolution. Additionally, he has conducted studies on diverse vertebrate body fossils from Korea, including dinosaurs, crocodiles, and turtles.

Lucas Legendre
Research Associate (since September 2023)
Postdoctoral Researcher (September 2018–August 2023)
Ph.D., Sorbonne University
Lucas’ initial training was in bone histology, with a focus on paleophysiology and phylogenetic comparative methods. In the Clarke Lab, he uses those approaches to study the morphology of the avian syrinx, as well as the evolution of reptile eggshell microstructure. Lucas is also involved in teaching and mentorship for the Curiosity to Question course, the Geoscience Ambassadors Program, and various students projects in the lab.

Former Postdoctoral Researchers

Sarah Davis (September 2022–July 2023)
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Now: Collection Manager of Vertebrate Paleontology, Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Carlos Rodríguez-Saltos (September 2019–March 2022)
Ph.D., Emory University
Now: Assistant Professor, Illinois State University

Nicholas Crouch (August 2017–August 2019)
Ph.D., University of Illinois Chicago
Now: Data Scientist, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health

Chad Eliason (September 2014–September 2016)
Ph.D., University of Akron
Now: Senior Research Scientist, Field Museum of Natural History

Xia Wang (July 2013–July 2015)
Ph.D., University of Dublin, Ireland
Now: Assistant Professor, University of Jinan

Sterling Nesbitt (September 2009–September 2010)
Ph.D., Columbia University
Now: Associate Professor, Virginia Tech University

Daniel Ksepka (September 2007–December 2008)
Ph.D., Columbia University
Now: Head Curator of Science, Bruce Museum, Greenwich CT.

Current Graduate Students

Savon Brooks
Master’s student (2024–)
Savon obtained her Bachelors of Science in Geology from the University of Florida. He is working on the geochemistry and geochronology of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Antarctica, in co-supervision with Dan Breecker (Jackson School of Geosciences, UT Austin).

Jessica Valdés
Master’s student (2022–)
Jessica obtained her Bachelors of Science in Geology at The University of Texas at Austin. She previously worked on improving preparation methods for U-series and radiocarbon dating of ostrich eggshells. Jessica's project is exploring ostrich eggshell properties.

Former Graduate Students

Hans Bilger
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2023

Janna Muhammad
M.S., University of Texas, 2022

Grace Musser
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2022
Now: Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Sarah Davis
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2022
Now: Collection Manager of Vertebrate Paleontology, Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Jasmine Nelson
M.S., University of Texas, 2021
Now: Ph.D. student, Colorado State University

Chris Torres
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2020
Now: Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of the Pacific

James Proffitt
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2018
Now: Assistant Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Arizona

Lauren English
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2018
Now: Museum Scientist, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California Riverside

Zhiheng Li
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2015. University Continuing Fellowship in 2014, Smithsonian Graduate Research Fellowship in 2012
Now: Associate Professor, Institute for Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Clint Boyd
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2012. Postdoctoral Researcher South Dakota School of Mines
Now: State Paleontologist of North Dakota

N. Adam Smith
Ph.D., University of Texas, 2011. Postdoctoral researcher, NesCENT and Field Museum of Natural History
Now: Curator of the Campbell Geology Museum, Clemson University,  Adjunct Faculty School of Forestry and the Environment

Felicia Kulp
M.S., University of Texas, 2014

Katherine Browne
M.S., University of Texas, 2014

A.J. DeBee
M.S., University of Texas, 2012

Drew Eddy
M.S., North Carolina State University, 2008
(Ph.D. in Geophysics, University of Texas)
Now: Geophysicist, BHP group

Current Undergraduate Students

Janet Cañamar
Bradley Ibarra
Grace Bartunek

Undergraduate Lab Alumni

Michael Chiappone (now: Ph.D. candidate, University of Minnesota)
Carmen Urban (now: Research Engineering Assistant, University of Texas at Austin)
Kristina Montez
(now: M.S. student, Texas A&M University)
Tessa Cayton
(now: technical analyst, Vaco)
Sarah Hood
(now: M.S. student, San Diego State University)
Humberto Venancio
Marco Longoria
Firdaus Arip
Tanner Fonville
(now: graduate student, Texas A&M)
Kate Grobowsky (now: staff geologist, Golder)
Hector Garza
(now: Ph.D. student, University of Texas at Austin)
Jessica Valdés
(now: M.S. student, University of Texas at Austin)
Leslie Jordan
Adele Anderson
(now: research assistant, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Ho Kwan Tang
Jenny Le
Emily Roberts
Victor Gonzalez
Felicia Moran
Mitchell Reigler     
Leah Hudson
Taylor Watts
Rachel Egan
Jennifer Millard
Abigail Black
Nicole Kurka
Josh Swisher
Julie Fryman
Grace Self
Krystal Heibel
Sara Cabral
Regina Manion  
Geoffrey Britt
Mary Martha Kidd
Rania Eldam
Alma Colmenero
Daniel Lawver
Adrian LeCesne
Zack Boles Spring
Brandon Smith
Phoebe Wang
Lindsay Wittington
Kelly Best
Kaitlin Strickland

Clarke lab meeting on zoom, 2020

Clarke lab meeting on zoom, 2020

Clarke Lab birdwatching trip, 2019

Clarke Lab birdwatching trip, 2019

The whole clarke lab outside jackson school, 2019

The whole clarke lab outside jackson school, 2019

Clarke Lab Peking Duck Dissection, 2014