R. Li, L. D’Alba, G. Debruyn, J.L. Dobson, C.-F. Zhou, J.A. Clarke, J. Vinther, Q. Li, M.D. Shawkey (2025). Science 387:1193–1198.
C.R. Torres, J.A. Clarke, J.R. Groenke, M.C. Lamanna, R.D.E. MacPhee, G.M. Musser, E.M. Roberts, P.M. O’Connor (2025). Nature 638:146–151.
L.J. Legendre, C.A. Rodríguez-Saltos, C.M. Eliason, J.A. Clarke (2024). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 202:zlae001.
G. Musser, J.A. Clarke (2024). PLOS ONE 19:e0278737.
A. Papendieck, J.A. Clarke (2024). Journal of the Learning Sciences 33:323–364.
ExpeditionAntarctic Peninsula Paleontology Project
The AP3 conducts expeditions to Antarctica. Follow AP3 on Twitter and read the project’s blog for the latest news, including field updates from Antarctica.
PressBirds of a Feather Aren't Necessarily Related
Julia comments on a series of recent Science studies sequencing and analyzing bird genomes.
EssaysMachine Thought Will Never Have More Than A Metaphorical Relationship With Human Thought
Julia’s response to the 2015 Edge question: What do you think about machines that think?
What Scientific Idea Is Ready for Retirement? Urvogel.
Julia answers the 2014 Edge question.
FossilsInkayacu Parascensis Featured on Peruvian Postage
There was also a fantastic exhibit by Rodolfo Salas about the fossil in the Reserva Nacional de Paracas.
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